Relational Structure & Root Language


Relational Structure

           RS (Relational Structure) is a logical database design that is both generic and relational. A logical database design is a model or mental map of the data in an organization. It shows both the structure and definition of data and the connections or relationships between data

            The generic nature of RS means that the same logical database design applies to all organizations. RS is based on the fundamental nature rather than on the applications of an organization. The nature of organizations is the same for all commercial organizations, while the applications for every organization are unique. There is one generic model and many applications.

             In other existing database technologies, the logical database design is based on an organization’s applications. As a result each organization is forced to develop its own logical database design. Many organizations have yet to complete this task and those that have a completed logical database design have spent many man-years of effort in its development.

Root Language

             RL (Root Language) is a generic model of computer languages derived from the basic nature of language. RL is not a true language, but rather a generic model of all computer languages.

             Any computer language can be transformed into the basic structure of RL. The application of RL can break the language barrier that currently exists in computer languages. Once a language is transformed into RL, it can in turn be transformed into any other language. The translation of computer languages becomes a one-to-many rather than a many-to-many problem.

             In addition to solving some of the problems of translation between languages, RL also solves some of the problems which exist within computer languages. Some of the language issues which RL can be used to resolve are:

  • Automated determination of sequential vs. parallel processing.
  • Clarification of local vs. global nature of data.
  • Resolution of time dependent vs. time independent data.
  • Accurate maps of the hierarchical structure of program modules and of the network structure of program execution.
  • Identification and resolution of the program errors which often result from the “branch back” command.
  • Transferability of code modules between independent programs.


             There is a one-to-one mapping between RS and RL. The patterns and generic model of data directly correspond to the patterns and generic model of code. Because RS is the storage of data (form) and RL is the storage of code (process), there are some transformations (inversions, mirrors, etc.) between related parts of RS and RL.

             RS and RL are consistent applications of the axioms of the relational paradigm. There is also a direct connection between RS/RL and the Relational Organization (RO). The patterns of what happens in a computer correspond to the patterns of what happens in an organization.


             Although the generic models of RS and RL are only partially finished, I am certain that both RS and RL can be implemented. I have taken the development to a stage that I’m comfortable with its general validity. The existing maps of RS and RL will be refined as a result of its application; however, I believe that the patterns are accurate.

             The application of the relational paradigm to any area seems to result in the same general patterns. These patterns are summarized in the chart on the following page.


             In the development of RS and RL I have extended the theories of E. F. Codd on relational data bases and of Edsgar Dijkstra on structured programming.

Patterns of RS & RL

Relational Structure (RS)

Root Language (RL)

  • Relational Database

  • Object Oriented Language

Theory and application for the use of the relational database.
Theory and application for the use of object oriented language.
  • Generic Structure (Data, Information and Models)

  • Generic Structure (Computer Language)

A generic structure of data, information, and models (logical database design) derived from basic nature of organizations. Will be the same for all organizations.
A generic structure of computer languages derived from the basic nature of language. Will be the same for all computer languages.
  • Relational Structure for Organizations

  • Relational Language for Computers

Implementation of the generic structure of data, information and models for an organization.
Implementation of the generic structure of modules, data and models for an organization.
  • User View of Data/Information

  • Make your own models

Users are able to construct their own view of data and information by specification of the fields and connections between relations.
Users are able to make their own models in which the data and information are processed.
  • One Source of Data/Information

  • Many Sources for Models

For effective control, planning and operations, everyone must use the same data.
For effective control, planning and operations, everyone must be able to make their own models.



Identification and clarification of basic patterns or components from which the system is constructed.


Assemble patterns into a generic model that can be used to represent all possible individual models or views.


Identification and integration of the multiple views of the system. Acknowledges the simultaneous existence of multiple views.


Enables you to rearrange the pieces to adapt to an existing model or to create a new one.


Relational Organization

Relational Structure & Root Language

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